
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

San Diego or Bust

Its official! I am now a student again... uh oh! So now the name of this blog is totally shot, but I'm still going to keep it. I will at some point regain my professional status, and will always be a fan of rugby, or involved with it in some way, and I'm pretty sure I'll always be a woman!

The road trip commences January 2nd with my E'N'B who is flying all the way from Limerick, Ireland to make the journey with me.

Starting January 11th, I will be a Sports MBA student at San Diego State University. This program is incredibly unique, and I've been eyeing it up for some time now. It is one of the only Sports MBA programs in the country, where you do not have to dual major in MS of SM and an MBA. Its also a new program, first graduating class was in 2006 - so very close alumni relationships! I got to meet one of the alumni who is doing great things at Under Armor - she was pretty awesome!

Now - the fun part! I basically have 7 weeks to plan my cross country move, financial status quit my job and say good bye to some really great people I've met in Baltimore, and my old friends in Philly. (Not to mention the car I just bought.... needed to have its transmission and clutch replaced. Yes Mazda, I'm not a fan of yours.)

This is probably the most daunting and intimidating thing I've done, just looking at finances alone is enough to make someone up-chuck. But its also something that I am beyond excited for. No really... can not wait for! I'm convinced that I'm being tested as to my desire for this program by my car issues, and a few other hiccups.... psshhhtttt - bring it on! (no, I'm joking, that was enough thanks!) JB and I sketched out a possible road trip map on our flights to Phoenix a few weeks ago:

The tough part is obviously saying good bye to (most) of the life as I've known it for the past few years. I love Baltimore, I've made some great friends and genuinely feel as though I'm lucky to have been surrounded by these people. There are some that have made a huge difference in my life, and I don't think I could be more grateful. I've gotten to work at some of the best gyms in the Baltimore area, with some of the best coaches I've met yet. With all of the good bye parties and holiday parties I'll be attending - I'm sure we're going to take out 2010 with a bang. This is quite a 'New Year' for me, one with gigantic change! Seriously, gigantic!

SBCF had a party for me (b/c they're awesome) on Saturday which was a 'Centurion' consisting of a lot of beer and a lot of pull ups. Here are the ppl that survived all 100 minutes:
I'm looking forward to the next few weeks! Its a bitter sweet end to 2010!

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